Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Jimmy Edgar - Magenta (Album Review)

Jimmy Edgar returns with his third album, Majenta. With previous albums released on Warp and !K7, expectations of a fairly leftfield electronica aren’t unfair. He’s already earned himself a reputation as a purveyor of sleazy electro-funk and with track names such as ‘Sex Drive’, ‘Touch Yr Bodytime’ and ‘In Deep’ this looks set to continue.

On first listen it’s easy to identify the bouncy electro basslines and 80s synth stabs that characterise his work. Along with the sexual spoken word narratives and hints of RnB flavour. There’s a tougher feel to the tracks on Majenta, though, a driving yet subtle techno influence, most likely gained from his recent time spent in Berlin. It’s easy to see why this slightly darker direction has appealed to label head man, Scuba. It lends the filthy lyrics a creepy edge, contrasting the shine of false sexual bravado from his Prince-meets-Zdar moments. Certain tracks have got Hotflush written all over them, skittering percussion, deep basslines, stabs and, most importantly, sweetly sung vocal cuts pitched down. It’s a delightful combination of disparate styles.

Majenta is a thoroughly well thought out album. Edgar plays with new genres and directions without sacrificing his own style or attaching himself too firmly to the zeitgeist. It would be a great pop album if it wasn’t for the strictly NSFW vocals.

Originally posted at Blah Blah Blah

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