Monday 11 January 2010

Local Natives - Gorilla Manor (Album Review)

This album has taken me far too long to write about, it's easily my most listened to album of 2009. Local Native's debut is a pure delight to listen to from beginning to end even if it feels like the kind of music that could give me a cold. It's got Autumn written all over it, the upbeat indie and light guitar play remind me of the last days of summer and the odd day in October that's uncharacteristically warm, a last snatch of sunshine before the winter sets in. The multi-male harmonic vocals are breezy and strike a chill in a very similar way that Fleet Foxes make the hairs on my neck stand up and fill my nostrils with the scent of pine. The drumming on this album is pretty special too.

In a contrast to some of my recent reviews, i'm going to leave this one short. Just buy it because it's brilliant and I can guarantee you'll listen to it throughout 2010.

Local Natives - Wide Eyes on Spotify.

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