Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Pacific! - Reveries (Album)

Pacific! - Sunset Blvd (Popular Computer remix)

The question: How do you gain my interest in a band? The answer: invent the genre 'Surf/Electro' and dub your music as such. This is why i am now in posession of Pacific!'s Reveries. Surf and electro don't sound like two genres that would merge particularly well and my first question (to the guy trying to flog it to me) was 'what does it really sound like?'. His reply was 'Daft Punk meets the Beach Boys' and if you threw in a passing reference to Hot Chip's smoother stuff you'd have a fair description. It's got 3 variations of synth (one for every occasion) the soft pulser, the hard throbber and the clicky bleeper to fulfil the electro quotient whilst balancing it with light guitar riffs and harmonic 'woo ah woo' vocals from surf.

Reveries makes for a very pleasant listen as can usually be expected from Moshi Moshi (who found these two Swedes) and gives pop a good run for its money whilst still being both danceable and credible. The artwork is equally enjoyable and the scribbled line drawings are easy to get lost in whilst the music swims along in the background. I couldn't find any originals available at imeem but this Popular Computer remix doesn't stray too far from the original and should give you a good idea of their sound.

Edit: I've uploaded my favourite song from the album so you should at least be able to hear a 30 second snippet until Pacific! clear it for full length enjoyment, ironically imeem asked me to classify it as a genre and Surf/Electro wasn't an option. I had to settle for 'Electronic'.

Pacific! - Number One

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